Custom Hearing Protection
Custom Hearing Protection in Salem, Oregon
You only need one significant instance in a loud environment for you to sustain permanent damage to your hearing. The truth is that many of the noises we encounter daily are much louder than our ears can handle. Over 15% of Americans experience irreversible noise-induced hearing loss (NHIL), one thing we know; education is crucial for adequately protecting our hearing regularly.
About 53% of adults with noise-induced hearing damage reported no exposure to loud environments while on the job, according to the study from the CDC. Their hearing has been affected by exposure to loud noise in daily activities at home or in the community. Sounds from yard tools, Power tools, gunshots, hairdryers, and more can often meter above 85 decibels(dbs). 85 dbs is the top end at which our ears can safely process sound.
The direct impact that loud sounds can have on our lives goes beyond just hearing. Being able to communicate properly is an essential aspect of our lives. Studies have shown that untreated hearing loss can have long term effects on social isolation and depression, and can affect success and performance in our careers.
We advocate for custom hearing protection so strongly because we understand the implications that can happen when not taken seriously.
Whether working around loud machinery for your job, hunting on occasion, or even just mowing the lawn. Salem Audiology can get you fitted for custom hearing protection to ensure a perfect fit and are suitable to be worn all day long.
Call us today and schedule a free consultation!

Selecting Proper Hearing Protection
You should wear hearing protection if the noise or sound exceeds 85 decibels. Hearing protectors reduce the noise exposure level and the risk of hearing loss.
If hearing protection is required, make sure to implement a hearing conservation program. A hearing conservation program includes noise assessment, hearing protector selection, employee training and education, baseline audiometric testing, annual reviews, record keeping, and overall program evaluation.
The effectiveness of hearing protection is only as effective as its user. Meaning, protection is significantly reduced if the hearing protectors do not fit properly, or even worse, not worn at all.
The hearing protectors should not be modified to keep them useful. Soundproof headphones and noise-canceling headsets are not substitutes for hearing protection. And should not be worn where hearing protection is required to protect against high-levels of noise exposure.
When Selecting Hearing protection, Make Sure:
- You have the right type for the job; Earplugs or earmuffs both reduce the loudness of sounds. However, earplugs work better for combating low-frequency noises, while earmuffs allow better protection against high-frequency noise.
- Compatible with other required personal protective equipment, or communication devices.
- Comfortable enough to be worn for long periods.
- Appropriate for the environment ( Temperature, and humidity in the workplace)
- Capable to provide communication and audibility needs (i.e., the ability to hear warning sounds and alarms).
What Types of Hearing Protection is Available?
Earplugs are inserted into the canal of the ear. They may be pre-molded (preformed) Or moldable (Foam earplugs). Custom-molded earplugs exert little to no pressure and fit your ear canals perfectly, and last longer than other types of earplugs along with lower cost-per-use, even though they have a higher entry cost.
Molded/Pre-molded plugs are soft, flexible devices generally made from silicone, plastic, or rubber that fit into the ear canal. These types of protectors have flanges that provide a secure seal against the canal wall. They are reusable and often retain size and flexibility if kept clean daily with soap and water.
Ear Muffs:
Earmuffs have cushions that seal against the head and directly over the outer ear. Made of a smooth plastic envelope filled with foam or fluid material. They require periodic replacement (cushions can become stiff or brittle over time), so they must be inspected daily for defects. Earmuffs tend to provide better protection, but can be uncomfortable in hot work areas, or vigorous work activity.

Custom Solutions for Success
There are many benefits to custom-fit hearing devices. They save money in the long run, over having to continually buy and replace disposable plugs, which also helps keep waste consumption down. Aside, from that, you get a perfect fit that is more comfortable and allows the user to keep them in for longer periods of time. Custom Protection devices are designed to last much longer and for an individual or business, it can save them hundreds to thousands of dollars annually.
If you need help selecting the right type of protection for your situation, please reach out and schedule a consultation with one of our Audiologists today! We can asses your specific situation and need and create a plan that will best suit you..