Hearing Aid Batteries in Salem, OR
Get The Right Batteries For Your Device

Hearing Aid Batteries
Like most electronic devices, your hearing aids require a power supply to operate correctly. The slightest change in power output can affect performance, volume, and clarity. But keep in mind that just as all hearing aids are not created equal, all hearing aid batteries also have their benefits and drawbacks. The size and power output of the hearing aid will dictate the type of battery needed.
A typical “zinc-air” battery can last from three days to three weeks, depending upon the type of aid, battery size, and frequency. The user has the hearing aids on each day.
It’s always a good practice to turn hearing aids off and store them in a dry area to maximize battery usage. Opening the battery door not only helps minimize drain but also helps dry out any moisture that has accumulated. However, removing the battery from the device is the best practice.
When you store your batteries, keep them at room temperature, they do not need to be held in the refrigerator. Once you remove the sticker from the back, the battery is now “active,” and you will want to use it immediately.

How Do I Change My Batteries
When it comes to the frequency of changing out your hearing aids’ batteries, there are few ways based on the hearing aids you own.
You will know its time to swap out your batteries when your device either makes an audible beeping sound or some devices will speak to you, letting you know you have a “low-battery.” Hearing aids that do not give an audible notification will generally worsen in sound quality and amplification, sounds become distorted or power off. These are all indications that it’s time to replace your batteries.
Note: If you replace the battery and it does not alleviate this problem, there may be an issue with your device and should be looked at by a tech.
To replace your hearing aids’ battery:
- Wash your hands to make sure they are free of grease and dirt.
- Open the battery door.
- Remove old battery (it is also good practice to gently brush the area to remove any possible debris or buildup before inserting the new battery).
- Remove the fresh battery from the package, remove the tab, and let the battery sit for three to five minutes before inserting it into the compartment.
- Align the “+” sign on the batterie’s flat side with the “+” sign on the battery door.
- Once the battery is secure, close the door.
Types of Hearing Aid Batteries
There are four main hearing aid battery sizes, each color-coded to better assist the user in identifying the correct size: 675 (blue), 312 (brown), 13 (orange), and 10 (yellow). The style and type of your hearing device determine the battery size required.
Standard hearing aid batteries are zinc-air, activated when air exposure. It’s imperative to keep them sealed until you are ready to use them. Never buy batteries with a broken seal or opened package.
Battery Tips
1. Wait five minutes after removing the battery backing to the time you insert it into your
hearing device.
2. If the door on your hearing aid doesn’t close correctly, do not force it. Damage can occur to the hearing aid door and potentially the device itself. Check to make sure your battery is the right
size and seated correctly in your hearing aid.
3. Dispose of the battery immediately following removal. “Button” batteries can be dangerous to
animals and children.

Rechargeable Hearing Aids
Rechargeable hearing aids offer numerous benefits. They’re more powerful than standard batteries. You don’t have to worry about swapping the batteries, and they are more reliable than zinc-air.
Many of the rechargeable hearing aid batteries can give you up to 24 hours of life (based on a 12-16hr user ware time). Rather than zinc, rechargeable hearing aids use a lithium-ion battery, which takes about three to four hours to be fully charged. The battery itself should last for the aid’s entire life, giving the user a four to five-year life expectancy.
Keeping Rechargeable Hearing Aids Healthy
- Always keep your devices in the charging station when not in use. Even if the battery is not fully drained. Constant charging will not damage the battery.
- Do not store your hearing aids in an unplugged charging station, which will damage the battery and decrease its life.
- Make sure the hearing aids are dry and free of debris before being put in the charging station.
- Make sure to hold the hearing aid by the casing when you take them out of the charger. Not the wire that attaches to the receiver.