QuickSin testing in Salem, OR
Eliminate The Guess Work From The Fitting Process

Quick SiN Testing From Salem Audiology Clinic
Discover why Salem Audiology Clinic is the premier hearing health facility in Salem, Oregon, and why we include a more profound testing process for our patients.
One of the most common complaints from hearing aid users is difficulty with hearing in background noise. Measuring SNR loss (signal-to-noise-ratio) is essential; Your ability to understand speech in noise cannot be effectively predicted from the pure tone audiogram.
What is Quick SiN?
All Audiology providers will conduct a Pure-Tone Audiometry (PTA), which has been considered the “gold standard” for assessing hearing loss since the early ’40s. However, PTA is a poor indicator of speech. This is why quick SiN was developed to provide a brief assessment of the SNR loss.
Quick SiN is comprised of six sentences with five keywords per sentence with “babble noise” playing in the background. The signals are presented at a pre-recorded signal-to-noise-ratio that decreases in 5–dB steps from 25 (very easy) to 0 (extremely difficult). The SNRs used can test normal to severely impaired performance in noise.

The Quick SiN test was developed to:
- Offer a quick (one-minute) evaluation of SNR loss
- Offer a quick way for clinicians to gauge a patient’s ability to hear in noise
- Determine if long term high-frequency stress increases or diminishes understanding of speech in noise
- Support hearing professionals in determining proper amplification and other assistive technologies
- Provide a large number of comparable test lists for use in clinical and research work
- Provide data beneficial in counseling patients regarding sensible expectations
- Contribute useful information to the selection process of hearing aids or additional treatment options
What do Quick SiN results help with
The testing results allow our audiologists to choose the most beneficial hearing solution for each patient, whether that’s hearing aids or other assistive technology options. In addition to adequately selecting the right answer, these results help us give patients realistic expectations about how their hearing may be improved.
For more information on Quick SiN testing or to have your hearing tested, call us today at 971-701-2269 and schedule an appointment at the location that best fits you with any of our Audiologists.